Wednesday, April 30, 2008

As Promised

So here is that Indiana Jones piece finished. Enjoy!
According to UPS, I should have Issue #3 in my hands tomorrow, if so they will be on sale at that evening. I will post here as soon as they are.
I spent the past few hours scrubbing the rug under my drawing table. It seems that one of my cats decided it would be a good idea to pee there in front of me as I was working. I guess she was trying to make some sort of statement that I was working too much. Not much got ruined, thank god.
What is my latest piece that I am working on? I will give you a hint...he looks like a hood ornament.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Big News

So, here is the big news. For 5 weeks this October I will be teaching kids between the grades of k-12 about making comics. The Webb School, a private school in Knoxville Tennessee, has hired me to be an Artist in Residence there. They are paying for my travel expences, putting me up in a hotel, giving me a public studio to work in, paying me well, and giving me the opportunity to have an exhibition of my own artwork before I leave. I'm not sure if I will be teaching a class of my own, or just giving talks and workshops; but I will find out soon enough. They will be flying me out there in the next few weeks for a few days to check out the campus, meet the teachers, and discuss a lesson plan for when I come back.

It is my hope that I will be able to get some more of these jobs in the future. In fact I have one other potentially lined up for sometime later that fall, it is awaiting approval. I will have a page about my teachings up when I have more info, along with contact information in case you are a teacher/librarian/school/organization that would like me to come out and do this for you.

As you can see I am currently working on an Indy is in process, and this is only a small portion of the full image. but I feel that these posts should have some image to go along with them. I will post a finished version later on.

I have sent out my SPX registration form. I saw on their website the other day that they were running out of tables, so hopefully I got one of the last ones. I have decided I want to go to Paradise Con in Toronto, it runs on July 12th and 13th information about it is here. I will send off a check to them in a week or so. Wizard World and Motor City cashed my checks, so those two shows are officially on for me.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Here is another image I will have prints available of at the upcoming conventions, I call it "The Last Mupper"I should have been doing other work, but I am in convention mode now; doing things that will make my table more well rounded.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So I was supposed to be doing work that actually brings in George's magic book, or my book....but I felt that my convention tables needed a few new prints I churned this image out today....I will be doing a few more random things like this, if you have an idea as to what might make a good image to sell prints of, or if you would like to commission me to draw or paint something for you alone, drop me an email!

Monday, April 14, 2008

April News

Well, I have sent off my Table money for the Motor City Comic Con, and for Wizard World Chicago. Motor City runs from May 16-18th, info about it is here. Wizard World runs from June 26-29th and info about that convention is here.
I am sending off my forms and table money for SPX in the next few weeks; once tax season is over and done with. SPX runs from Oct. 4-5th. Info here. I am considering a few other conventions, but those are the definite ones right now.

The image at the right is the back side of my new business card that should be arriving in the mail in the next week.
Issue #3 of Into the Dust is still at the printer...their deadline is fast approaching and I have yet to hear one word out of them....i hope that is good news.

I have potential good news that I cannot speak about right now. As soon as it becomes definite good news I will announce it.

Been busy lately. I have thumbnailed chapter 4 and chapter 5 of Into the Dust. This week I hope to thumbnail chapter 6 so I know what I need to shoot photo reference for. Then it is "chain yourself to the drawing table" time! The first half of Into the Dust will come out this year!