Thursday, October 23, 2008

See Me in Action!

Today was a relatively uneventful day. I did however pick up the few photographs of my self teaching the fifth graders. I've had fun working with them, tomorrow is my last day. Next week, I get to start working with the drawing class in the upper school, as well as a printmaking class. Both projects for the new classes will be slightly different than with previous classes. The weather is beginning to change here; I am now bringing a jacket to work, and the mornings can be quite chilly. Leaves are beginning to fall and change colors, it looks kind of like Michigan two weeks ago. Be on the lookout for more photos of students, I will post them as soon as I get them.
I do miss Michigan. If I was home right now, I would be preparing to go to art night. It has been a while since I've been to one, with all preparations for this trip, and I really miss it. Obviously, I also missed my fiancé. Waking up without her there every morning is torture. I do like the better economy, the warmer weather, and the people here; however, they do not compare to the people, places, and things I call home.
On a happier note, I got paid today! So I've decided to go buy a pizza. Later!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Still at Webb, 2 weeks down 3 to go!

So a photographer has been following me around snapping photos of me with the kids, however she has yet to send me any soon as I get them, I'll throw them all up for folks to see me in action. Sorry no new lecture yet...been giving a really short intro slideshow on my artwork, but you guys are already here, and can see all the images and read all that I would have said in it anyway, so why bother putting it up. The 7th graders and 5th graders seem to be having a lot of fun with the projects I have given them. The AP high school class got off to a rocky start, but seem to be going at a good pace now.
I have been working half of the time on Into the Dust and half on a magic book for Danish magician Rune is a page of his book that I have done down at the school...

I posted a short video blog about my DVD addiction down here on a different site, but what the heck! It's more personal than professional, but you guys might like to see it....the sound is a little out of place, but it's not too annoying...

Oh and my brother Tyler is a radio show host every Tuesday night from 10-11 pm....his show is called Black Tuesday. I have been charged with recording his shows, and I have decided to put them up on my web server for folks who miss it....go listen!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Webb School AP Art Class Lecture

Hello everyone! I hope a few of my students are here...but anyone who is interested can watch and listen to my first lecture! It may take a few minutes to load, but it will be worth it...the audio starts out a little deep....not sure why that happened, but it clears up after a few seconds.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Oh no I didn't!

Well, actually yes I did....look at the Mupper in all of its 67 inch long glory! Sorry folks, this one isn't for sale...I'm going to laminate it and use it as a display. This print always draws a lot of attention, hopefully it will be amplified even more when this hangs under my table!
Well, I thought I would take a moment out of my busy day at Webb to give you a quick tour....I shot a few photos, and I'm sure there will be more to come.

Image 1, the Clock tower. The center of Webb's campus, it has a lovely chime, and ties the entire campus together. It's very pretty to watch all the kids run around and under it to hurry off to class.

Image 2, my windows. These windows are my desk and area sit behind those panes of glass, at the back of the printmaking studio...I have already learned that these act like a magnifying glass and heat up my work it was in the 80s...and it felt like it at my desk.

Image 3, the middle School art room...Todd Johnston's class room...he's my go to guy at Webb. Haven't really done anything over there yet, but I will soon.

Image 4, The printmaking room,, this photo is shot from my desk, the guy in the distance on the left in the doorway is Joe, he teaches 3d, painting, and art history...his 3d class is building guitars from scratch...they look pretty sweet...I can't wait until they get strung.
That's it for now, be on the lookout for lessons this coming week!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Quick Recap on the convention and where I am now

The Mid-Ohio Convention was a wonderful show.
To the right is a photo of a Secret Invasion comic cover I contributed to....I drew Jack Power from Power Pack, he is in the first row near the middle.
Sold a lot, saw old friends, etc. I was interviewed again in a comic related Podcast, you can listen to it here
Since the convention, I traveled down to Knoxville, Tennessee to teach kids at the Webb School. Living in a hotel is a very strange experience....I start my first project with the students on Monday.....I am going to be updating this site with class stuff, including projects, and powerpoint-like presentations that you can watch and listen to and join in with the students if you like. So until then, Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates as of late...I have been a bit busy with commissions and preparing for my teaching at Webb. I am leaving in about an hour with my father down to Columbus for Mid-Ohio-Comic Con! And yes there is a new print available, and it is available in both black and white and color! What do you think? After the convention, we will continue driving south until we hit Tennessee. We will be meeting my friend Patrick upon arrival, and will spend the evening with him. Then Tuesday morning my father leaves on a plane back home to Michigan, and I will teach for 5 long weeks. Expect new updates and sections on my website to appear on the site once teaching begins.
In art, I am currently working on another magic book, this time for a magician in Denmark named Rune Klan. If I get permission, I will post some art from that book so you can see that I have not been idle over the past month or so....and yes Into the Dust is coming along fine....